Complex Analytics


AVReporter is a complex application that permits users (management and engineers) to link multiple data sources together in order to create complex reports, complete with advanced query and data analysis and modeling tools.


Key features


  • check2  Advanced visualization, prediction, statistical rollups
  • check2  Regression analysis, normalization, correlation, integration of all relevant drivers and contextual data
  • check2  Comprehensive Utilities Reporting- complete record of all utilities can be tracked and reported.
  • check2  Production KPIs can be created to track and summarize energy performance by manufactured product or production unit.
  • check2  Custom Report and Dashboard Options are virtually endless (CO2 emission, green house gas reports, ISO 50001, KPI reports, departmental consumption reports, ABCD energy efficiency ratings, energy use and cost analyses statements, reports supporting Demand Response scenarios, CUSUM Reports, Actual vs. Baseline Reports,Straightforward Benchmarking, Power Usage Effectiveness, etc. )
  • check2  Running search, filtering, modifications and calculations on the data within the AVReporter database (logged, imported from external database etc.) is possible.
  • check2  Forecasted consumption data calculations based on data rows of the past (e.g. forecasted consumption data calculations taking the production line’s past consumption and production quantities, and the forecasted production values).






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