One of the world’s leading smart cities by AVReporter and E.ON


A city called Gyor, located in North West Hungary (home of KONsys's HQ) and E.ON one of the world's largest investor-owned power and gas companies have confirmed in a partnership that Gyor will be made a smart city by the commencement of the 2017 European Youth Olympic Festival.


Large-scale investment projects started in 2013, when the cooperation agreement was signed and aims and objects got established. In connection with these, Győr’s city government has decided to apply modern sustainability and energy management criteria in the new facilities and the related developments. 


“We are responsible for supplying energy throughout a considerable part of Hungary. Gyor long ago opted for innovative energy solutions and is now ready to adopt the most modern technologies in energy supply. Our long-standing cooperation now offers a great moment and marvelous opportunity for this program to begin, conforming organically to the city’s development,” Dr Depluet Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of E.ON said. 


A wide variety of efficiency options are included in the term “smart city,” which can cover every possible area in running cities, including city services, public transportation, business environment, water, energy and waste management, managing resources, utility management, public security, health care, education and environmental protection. “In the case of Győr, this process will include primarily rethinking production processes, connecting production units to a virtual power plant control system, organizing business and household consumers into smart networks and supplying them with smart meters,” said László Patay, chairman of the board of directors of E.ON.


The complex building energy management system was deployed first at the city’s new swimming pool, the Aqua Sports Center, providing some valuable technical information and results. Due to its function, the building consumes a lot of energy, hence the several million Hungarian forint investment can be recovered relatively quickly, within one or two years.


For the complex energy management requirements, monitoring and projecting AVReporter Energy Management Software was deployed. 

When planning the complex energy management solutions the necessary measurement points needed to be established (electricity, gas, heat, water) focusing on the highest consumers, then connecting to AVReporter Energy Management Software through the communication network. Apart from displaying and storing the measurement data AVReporter was also required to analyse the consumer data and create accurate reports in order to support the sustainable running of the establishments.  


Prior projections indicate the estimate savings of 5-8% / year (30000 Euros) due to the instalment and running of the energy management system; the cost of instalment and particles are insignificant comparing to the savings. 


KONsys's team is committed to fulfil the specific and global needs of smart city projects and not only supply a highly innovative software solution but the required expertise needed to ensure the success of these highly fascinating projects. Apart from this project KONsys has been asked to participate in the development of Smart Cities internationally and also working on H2020 R&D projects.


smart city gyor





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